
July 26, 2023


Generou Georges Day

I want to be like George,
generous, gracious, glorious, George.
With memory like an elephant and sharp as a tack,
our human Google was always on track.
He followed the Lords commandments faithfully,
serving others willingly and gleefully.
He provided food and shelter for those in need,
encouraging others to follow his lead.
He shared his faith and spread the Good News,
giving praise from the choir, pulpit and pews.
He gathered his family whenever he could,
attended more of their events than most people would.
He traveled the world to see all the sights,
but preferred natural wonders to manmade delights.
He sang joyful praises to God above,
spreading the message of peace and love.
He trusted in God and answered his call,
lived an exemplary life - a role model for all.
By Steve Meek
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