
Nov 25, 1994


Jerry the Gerbil

Jerry the gerbil had put on his hat,
Hoping the garb would fool Charlotte the cat.
As he was sauntering bravely and slow,
Charlotte considered just here he might go.
Jerry thought Charlotte would let him pass by.
Charlotte said "Aha, I'll just let him try!"
After the gerbil had come very near,
His little tail was aquiver with fear.
When Charlotte pounced, little Jerry leapt too,
Back in his cage and his outing was through.
Then came the cousins to stay for a spell,
With a fine dog if the truth were to tell.
Frisky Cheyenne kept the cat in her place,
Bringing a smile to the pet gerbil's face.
Charlotte was scared to chase Jerry today.
He could quite easily come out to play.
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