
Sept 26, 1994


Cape May Ferry

One by one the cars stream on.
Soon the lot will all be gone,
Ferried to the other shore
Where the ship has gone before.
Sailboats share the gentle bay.
Gulls are also underway.
They can track for 15 miles,
Bringing viewers many smiles.
Steeply now the ferry rolls,
Rocking over briny holes,
Shooting bubbles in its wake,
Showing gulls the course to take.
Halfway o'er we see no land,
Trusting to the captain's hand.
Whitecaps flicker on the bay,
Calling us to join their play.
There may be a storm ahead,
But that is no cause for dread.
Up and down we feel the pitch
As the waves make ferry twitch.
Onward, ever onward we
Move toward our destiny.
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