
Dec 10, 1991


The Circus

Andrew and Christopher went for a stroll.
Susie the turtle came out of her hole.
"How are you, Susie. We like your green shell."
"Thank you, my friends, I am feeling quite well."
Proudly they marched down the street in a line,
Standing erect with a vertical spine.
Then they beheld a fine circus parade:
Tigers and elephants all were displayed.
Camels were strutting with one or two humps.
Clowns were cavorting with dancing and jumps.
Andrew and Christopher thought it was fine.
Susie and they got right into the line.
They went where all of the animals went,
Squeezing inside of a big circus tent.
Om-pah-pah played the brisk tune of the band.
Turtle and boys took a seat in the sand.
Twenty-five clowns all came out of one car.
Balancers rode on a very high bar.
Tigers leapt right through a hoop ringed with fire.
Tightropers walked on the slenderest wire.
Elephants showed they could stand on two feet.
Bears danced with joy at the sight of a treat.
Christopher said, "Le us do our own trick.
We can jump right in the ring if we're quick."
On brother's shoulders young Andrew did sit.
Susie just sat on his head for a bit,
Then, balanced carefully, spun like a top.
Gyrations seemed like they never would stop.
All of the patrons went wild with applause,
Shouting and cheering till tired in their jaws.
Christopher, Andrew, and Susie then bowed,
Smiling and waving right back to the crowd.
Then they were offered a job with high pay,
Which they declined 'cause they could not just stay.
"We've done our trick but we really must go.
Thank you for letting us see this great show."
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